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Serves: 8

Serves: 8
Total time: 35 minutes

Layers of smoked salmon and spinach mixed with cream cheese and butter are molded and chilled. This dish may be prepared a day or day in advance.


  • 1 pound fresh spinach, stems removed
    4 ounces cream cheese
    4 ounces butter, softened
    1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
    1/2 teaspoon Tabasco Sauce
    salt, ground pepper to taste
    1 pound smoked salmon, sliced thin
    2 bunches watercress or mache
    1/2 cup vinaigrette dressing
    16 slices toasted french bread


  • Wash the spinach thoroughly in two or three changes of cold water. Cook in salted boiling water for about 4 minutes. Plunge the spinach in ice cold water. Drain and squeeze the excess of water out of the spinach.
    Combine the cream cheese, butter, Worcestershire sauce, and Tabasco in a food processor. Mix to a smooth paste. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
    Lightly butter the sides of a 1 1/2 quart terrine or a rectangular cake mold. Then, line the mold with parchment paper. Cover the bottom and sides of the mold with slices of smoked salmon. Spoon the spinach mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a medium size plain tube. Pipe a 1/4-inch layer of the spinach mixture over the bottom of the terrine or mold and smooth evenly.
    Arrange a layer of smoked salmon over the spinach mixture. Continue to alternate layers of spinach and salmon, ending with salmon. Cover with film wrap, and refrigerate at least three hours.
    Invert the terrine or mold onto a cutting board. Remove the layer of parchment paper, and slice the terrine into 1/2-inch slices with a knife that is dipped in hot water for each cut.
    Toss the clean salad with the dressing. Divide the salad between the cold plates, and arrange in the center of the plates. Lay two slices of the salmon terrine over the lettuce in each plate.
    Garnish with lemon wedges. Serve with toasted bread.
    Marinated avocado slices may also be used as garnish with the terrine of salmon.
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